Schlagwort-Archive: Tutorial

Generate revenue fast in Flea Market

Today I explain, which items I trade in the flea market to increase my revenue as fast as possible. I show you the exact items and explain, how I calculate the prices. Battlestate Games changes the availability of items very often, sometimes several times a week. Due to this, I will create new videos about this topic very often and keep you up to date, what works well.

To make it clear: my main goal is to increase my flea market level, but of course I try to get some extra rubels out of it.

If you increase your level in the flea market, you can place more offers in the market in parrallel. The flea market level is increased, when you successfully sell something. If you remove something from the market or you cancel a running offer, the level is decreased.

Due to this, my main goal is to generate as much revenue as possible in a short time. Typically I do my trades between the raids I do with players from my community, so most of the time, I just have 5 to 10 minutes to add my offers.

This is the reason, why my main focus is hgh revenue but no or just a very low profit. But sometimes there’s a diamond in this video too, so watch closely for some thints :).

If you need money, I will show you in a different video, how to maximize your profits.

Battlestate Games changes the game mechanics and the loot table pretty often. Due to this, I create videos for this series on a regular basis to show you what’s actucally working well.

Of course creating revenue works the best, when you sell something, that the majority of the players needs but don’t have access to.

This video is created on April, 29, 2019

I aim to have around 2 million rubels as this allows me to have decent gear in every single raid plus enough cash to level the flea market fast. You can follow my income in this series as I will openly communicate what happens 🙂

Order of buying and selling items

I always start with the items where I know, they will be sold immediately. THat means they should sell 60 seconds after I placed the order.

Price Calculation:

When you sell these items, you can add a little margin which covers your trading fee. When I want to generate revenue, I sell my items without profit, but I try to get my fees back, when I calculate the price.

How to find fastest and best price: check how long items are what price are in the market. Example: labs key card

Enough chit-chat, let’s look at the items:

  • Skier
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Therapist
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Prapor
  • Level 2
  • Mechanic
  • Level 2
  • Ragman
  • Level 2
    • 6BHelmet (Level 2)
    • 6B Armor (Level 2)

EFT Mission Guide

Here you find videos of all missions in Escape From Tarkov. Locations of the items and tricks how to complete them faster or more easy.

Here you find the latest quest line overview (Patch 0.11.7.x, 24.04.2019):





Lend Lease:




Best Beginner Weapons

  • This video covers three topics:
    • 1) What makes you effective in Escape From Tarkov
    • 2) What are the best weapons for beginners and why?
    • 3) What should beginners bring to every raid?
  • What makes you effective?
    • You have to have low costs for your guns.
    • You have to be able to survive a raid, so your gun has to be good.
    • Get good loot in regular raids, so you don’t have to do pure loot runs where you avoid enemy contact.

For this, you need a gun that is:

  • Deadly. It can penetrate most armor.
  • Accurate on medium distances.
  • Cheap and easy to replace.
  • Plus You can modify your gun very early in the game,

As this video is made for beginners, the question is:

Who is a beginner?

There is no exact number, but most players start to have enough money onstantly, when they reach level 25 or something like that.

Many players believe a full auto gun is the best for beginners. But without good modifications, auto weapons are not that effective. Additionally you can’t buy the good ammunition at the beginning for full automatic rifles.

The best weapons for beginners are the Vepr-136 and the SKS rifles.

These guns are semi-auto only but you can shoot very fast with them

The 136 and the SKS use the 7.62×39 caliber rounds. You can buy these bullets directly when you start the game. You can penetrate many different armor types with this and it’s also pretty deadly even against high geared players.

The rifles can be looted pretty often from SCAVs on all regular maps

The SKS has magazines with 20 rounds, the Vepr-136 has magazines with 30 rounds.

The main difference is, how you can modify them early in the game.

When to use which rifle:

  • My focus is to put a reddot on my gun as early as possible. You can do this more early with the Vepr-136 compared to the SKS. Later in this video I show you how to do this.
  • If you want to play as a sniper, you can buy a sniper scope for the OP-SKS when you reach level 2 for the traders Skier and Prapor.
  • You can buy the Vepr-136 when you reach level 2 for trader Skier.
  • Before you reach Skier level 2, use the regular SKS.
  • You can upgrade Vepr-136 with a reflex sight, when you reach level 2 for trader Prapor.

This is why I recommend for new players: Play the normal SKS until you reach level 2 for both traders Prapor and Skier. Then switch to the Vepr-136 and stick to it for a long time. If you need a sniper rifle, you can buy what you need, as soon as you reach level 2 for both traders too.

Flea market

If you want to buy your modifications or the guns from other players, you can buy it at the flea market.

  • Two to three days after each wipe, these rifles can be bought cheap from other players in the flea market.
  • To access the flea market, you need to gain level 5 for your main character (the PMC).

Moddifing your guns

  • It’s crucial to get Prapor to level 2 as soon as possible, because:
    • You can buy 30round magazines for the Vepr-136
    • You can add a reflex sight to the Vepr-136
  • I show you what you need:
    • Ragman Level 1: SCAV vest
    • Ragman Level 1: Balaclacva
    • Prapor Level 1: PS ammo (7.62×39)
    • Prapor Level 2: 6L10 magazine (30 rounds)
  • Now the reflex sight:
    • Prapor Level 2: Tactica Tula TT01 Weaver
    • Skier Level 1: PK-06
  • Remove the iron sight, add the weaver, add the reflex sight.
  • Most weapons are worth more than the Vepr-136. So if you insure the gun, it’s very likely, that you get your gun back, even if you get killed by a player.
  • And that’s the trick to start easy in Escape From Tarkov:
    • Always insure everything.
    • And as soon as you can, replace the stuff that you carry with stuff that you find in the raid.
  • Let me epxlain what I mean and how to do it the most safe way:
    • Kill a SCAV. He has the same gun as I do.
    • I throw away my vest and my gun in a bush, but I keep the weaver and the reflex sight.
    • I place the stuff from my vest into his.
    • I add my weaver to the new Vepr-136.
    • Now I play with this setup. no matter, if I die or not, I get my other gun back.
    • If you do this, after a few days, you will always have enough guns in your stash.
  • In case, you like the SKS more, then you should watch my video, where I explain, how to mod the SKS in the best ways possible.
  • So far so good.
  • In case, you are completely new to Escape From Tarkov, I would like to give you some more hints:
  • Always bring a cheap backpack into every raid. There are several ways to trade backbacks for items, for now, we just buy a cheap one from Ragman Level 1.
  • You should bring medical stuff also into every single raid, nothing is more annoying than to bleed out when you looted great stuff. If your main character is below level 5, so you cannot buy something from the flea market, bring the following things to every raid:
    • Therapist Level 1: Water or Juice. 2x Painkiller. 3x AI-2 medkit. 2x splint, 2x bandage.
  • Once you can access the flea market, bring this to every raid:
    • Buy either a car medikit or IFAK, whatever is cheaper. Always make sure, it’s a full item in the flea market. When healing with them, you stop bleeding too. So you don’t need bandages anymore.
    • If you can afford it, buy Ibuprofen painkillers. They last a lot longer than the painkillers, and you need only one slot in your safe container for it.
  • I hope, this video was helpful. Please write some comment, it would be nice, if you give a thumbs up.
  • But most important: don’t die out there, and kill everyone you see… except me please :).

Minimalausrüstung der Bombrats


Wir erwarten von allen Mitspielern, dass sie nach Kräften das Team unterstützen. Wer bei uns mitzocken möchte, muss daher diese Minimalausrüstung mitnehmen: 

Wenn Du unter Level 5 bist…

… holst Du Dir folgende Dinge bei den Händlern:

  • Bei der Therapeutin: Schau bitte auf die Seite Anfänger-Loadout: Medic
  • Bei Ragman: 1x SCAV Weste, 1x Balaclava (Sturmhaube)

Es gibt genaue Regeln für die Kopfbedeckung (was erlaubt und was verboten ist), schau Dir dazu unbedingt diese Beispiele an:

Für Anfänger mag das nach einer großen Investition aussehen. Wer aber in einem guten Team mitspielen kann, bringt schnell ein Vielfaches davon nach Hause. Die Beträge oben sind nach einer Runde wirklich kein Problem.

Wenn jemand diesen Kram nicht mitnimmt, haben wir in oder nach Gefechten immer Probleme, dass einer noch dieses oder jenes von einem anderen Spieler bekommen muss, um nicht zu sterben. und dieser Zeitverlust hat uns oft schon weitere Tode gekostet. Daher finden wir, wer mit uns spielen will, sollte auch hier seinen Beitrag leisten, damit die Gruppe nicht darunter leidet.

Video: Hier zeige ich Euch, wie Ihr das Loadout schnell zusammenstellt und gleichzeitig noch ein paar Rubel sparen könnt:

Was gilt als schlagkräftige Waffe?

Jedes Team ist nur so stark, wie sein schwächstes Mitglied. Daher müssen auch Noobs mindestens eine AKS-U oder eine SKS mitbringen. Die Waffe muss an die Entfernung der Map angepasst sein, so macht z.B. eine MP5 oder eine AKS-U auf Woods keinen Sinn.

Wieso kein Axtrunner im Team?

Natürlich kann jedes Team locker auch einen Axtrunner mitziehen. Aber wer im Team spielt, will ja coole Aktionen drehen, flankieren, gegenseitig helfen und Gegner überrennen. Da stört ein Axtrunner nicht, aber er ist auch keine Hilfe. Wer als Axtrunner nicht versteht, dass er auch als Noob unterstützen kann, der wird auch später in keinem Team hilfreich sein, weil er immer nur auf sich und sein Loot achtet.

Wieso so viel Munition?

Die effektiven Teams in Escape From Tarkov spielen alle gleich: viel hiflt viel. Feuerschutz kostet schnell 60 bis 90 Schuss und man will ja auch noch ein paar Leute killen können.

Mit wenigen Ausnahmen kostet Munition nur wenige k Rubel. Hat man tatsächlich am Ende der Runde zu viel dabei, schmeißt man sie einfach in den Matsch und nimmt teurere Items mit raus. Aber mitten im Gefecht nur noch ein Magazin in der Hand zu haben ist für das ganze Team echt Scheiße :).

Wieso ist ein Rucksack Pflicht?

Der Hauptgrund ist, dass Spieler, die ohne Rucksack in die Map gehen, früher oder später immer das restliche Team ausbremsen und nerven, weil sie nochmal irgendwo einen Rucksack suchen.

Finanziell macht es keinen Unterschied macht, ob Du einen T-Bag, einen Army-Bag, ein Duffle-Bag oder einen MBSS kaufst. Also solltest Du immer den größt möglichen Rucksack mitnehmen (bis zum TriZip, danach gelten andere Regeln). Ohne Rucksack reinzugehen und trotzdem Loot rausholen zu wollen, ist dem restlichen Team gegenüber einfach unverschämt (Spieler, die das nicht verstehen, sind aus offensichtlichen Gründen auch keine Bereicherung fürs Team).

Wieso zwei Getränke?

Wenn man nicht durch rusht und Rücksicht auf Anfänger im Team nimmt, braucht man etwas länger um durch eine Map zu kommen. Da benötigst Du schon ein Getränk seit dem letzten Patch. Wenn aber jemand am Anfang der Runde direkt einen Bauchschuss abbekommt, dann braucht er mindestens 2 Getränke, um überhaupt bis zum Exit ohen Umwege zu kommen. Das passiert nicht oft, aber die „investition“ von 1k Rubel je Runde für 2 Ananassaftkartons lohnt sich in dem Moment, wo es jemanden im Team trifft.